Tuesday, 2 June 2009

23 Mar 2009 - Monday Club Pinos walk

March is one of the best months for walking in this part of Spain, warm sunny days but not too hot. And Pinos is a lovely spot to walk from. This walk took us around the lower slopes of Bernia and takes about 5 hours - including a considerable stop for a picnic lunch!

As always we stopped for a drink after the walk, but this time we were in for a treat. At a nearby table a group suddenly started to sing, or rather to yodel. They turned out to be a group of Austrians, and they had an even greater treat for us. As we were about to leave, one of them asked us to wait a few minutes. Four of them went to the car park, and returned with these huge alpine horns. They played a couple of tunes, to the great entertainment of all the customers in the restraurant.

A lovely end to a lovely walk.

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