Monday, 25 May 2009

14 Feb 2009 - CBMW Castells Walk

This CBMW walk was described in the walking programme as MS (moderately streneous) with some Scrambling, which could be avoided. Because of the description there were about 40 on the walk. However it soon because obvious that it was more like a S (streneous) walk, and that there was considerable Scrambling, none of which could be avoided.

We were told at the start that Geoff, who should have led, was unable to do so. The new leader felt the walk was more difficult that explained in the walk guide, and Jan and I were uncertain whether to go or not. But we did not want to miss it having turned up for the start. Also we felt that if most of the other walkers could manage then so could we.

You can see from this photographs that some of the Scrambling was pretty difficult, and many of the walkers found it very hard going. Consequently this part of the walk took much longer than expected. There was some discussion about sending some walkers back, but by then it was considered easier to go on than go back.

Once we got clear of the dry river bed, a very fast pace was set, so that we could make up some of the time lost in the Scrambling. This is not the cleverest thing to do, as walkers quickly become very tired if you push them too hard.

A welcome break for Pat (from Monday Club), Jan and I. Fortunately we all recovered very quickly from the Scramble, and were soon enjoying the walk again.

David makes a friend during the lunch stop. Don't know who the dog belonged to, but it found David's sandwiches very attractive. And it could obviously spot a soft touch a mile off!

Castel de Castells was a very welcome sight in the distance as we neared the end fo the walk.

The fast pace was kept up throughout the whole of the return walk, which was a shame as it was a lovely area and it would have been nice to be able to take a couple of "water stops" to enjoy the views. In fact this was the only stop, and that only for a very short break.

Making our way back down to the village. By this time the group was well strung out.

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