Sunday, 7 June 2009

24 Apr 2009 - Richard and Avril Benimeli Walk

It really was not the right day for climbing a mountain! However we had promised Richard and Avril that we would take them up to the aerials at Benimeli, and they were keen to do it. The weather was overcast as we left Parcent, but I could see that it was even worse at Benimeli. When we got to the village we could not even see the aerials. I suggested an alternative, but they asked to do it anyway - so we did.

As we climbed the weather got worse and worse, and by the time we reached the lunch spot at the end of the ridge it was raining. We had a hurried lunch, which reminded me more of the Scottish Highlands than the Spanish Hills.

Despite knowing the track very well, we still lost it a couple of times making our way back to the aerials. However we quickly found it, and the weather improved slightly as we returned downhill.

What a shame that the one day they had available for the walk it had to be so miserable. Hope that they enjoyed the experience anyway.

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