Saturday, 16 May 2009

24 Jan 2009 - David and Rosemary Tormos Walk

In December we had done a walk in this area with CBMW, and David thought we could make a Monday Club walk out of it. We decided to do a recce with Rosemary and Jan.

The walk was from Tormos village to Isbert Dam. Then through the disused rail tunnel and uphill to Fontilles. Uphill again to Campbell, where we would have lunch. Then we had to find a path back down to the dam and from there back to Tormos.

We had walked in this area quite a bit, and although unsure about some parts of the route were confident we could find it ok.

David, Rosemary and Jan have a short break after the tunnel

Though bright and sunny it was very cold

Quite a steep climb uphill to Fontilles

No trouble with the path, and we are on the last stretch

We all agreed it would be a very suitable walk for the Monday Club


Steve-the-Wargamer said...

Any chance you could include a map with the walk marked on it for future posts??

thistlebarrow said...

Hi Steve

Unlike UK, there is not an ordnance map for Spain. There are local maps, but they do not show paths or rights of way. There are very good road maps, but they are no good for walking.

The only way to discover walks here is to go with someone who knows it already. Fortunately there is a group called Costa Blanca Walking Walkers who meet twice a week. Each leader knows one or more walks by memory and local knowledge. If we want to do it again, I usually record it on a dictating machine, type it up when I get home, and do the walk with Jan within a week - before I forget it.

There are a couple of walking books available. They are not very easy to follow, but they do have hand drawn maps. So if we do one that is in either of the books I usually scan the map as well.

